Rummage-Sale-2Mark your calendars! The 5th Annual SLV Softball Rummage Sale is happening on April 23rd. The rummage sale begins at 8AM and ends at 3PM. All proceeds directly benefit our student-athletes and help with equipment purchases, tournament fees, softballs and aid in the maintenance of our playing fields.

Many of our families will be there selling their stuff with the proceeds going to the softball program.

This year we’re trying something new. We’re going to open up the rummage sale to our community. Rent a space for $15 and sell your stuff. The softball programs makes $15 and we all benefit from the traffic.

Reserve your space by calling 831-313-2255

PDF FLIER: 2016 Community Rummage Sale

Got Stuff?

If you wish to donate items for us to sell we can accept them on the morning of the event at 7AM.

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